admin post_time 2024-05-30 01:16:35

Seagate 7200 hdd sa bad sector repairing

Seagate 7200.7,4,5,8,9,10 hdd sa bad sector repairing . clearing G-list ,smart

Problem in this hdd is cannot make partition.​

[*]Connect the hdd to console then go to cmd mode and power on. And see the errors
[*]This hdd is showing master but after some time . in this hdd there are bad sectors in sa . means reading errors .
[*]Then go to “LOAD MANAGEMENT” and click on “LOAD FROM HDD” button to load hdd details
[*]Then go to “DEFECT OPERATION” then click on “SWITCH TO ATA MODE” then click on “SURFACE SCAN” to scan the hdd for bad sectors. Seems there are bads.
[*]Then go to cmd mode and power off and on .
[*]Before it shows master press CTRL+z to get T> mode.
[*]Press CTRL+r to load cert .
[*]**** Hidden Message *****

[*]Then enter “ /1 “ to go to 1> mode , then enter N1 and press enter to clear smart. After done .
[*]Then power off and on . then go to load management and click on “LOAD FROM HDD” to load hdd details.
[*]Then go to “DEFECT OPERATION” then power off and on . when it shows ready status . click on “SWITCH TO ATA MODE” button . then click on “ZERO FILL” button . now it shows very busy status. And power is increased to 749.
[*]After the zero fill complete power off the drives.

FreeBeacon post_time 3 dd

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