D1 = Scan SA Serface and add ALL defects to log
The step in detail performs a comprehensive scan of the media
Then you add the Bad Sector to the self-scan log modules
Each head has its own module
And it is as follows
E0 to Head 0
E1 to Head 1
E2 to Head 2
E3 to Head 3
E4 to Head 4
and so on
Therefore, all bad sectors resulting from the scanning process are collected and added to the self-scan log
This step is one of the necessary steps that no self-scanning hdd is without it
Through this step, you can know the weak head or damaged head
Self-scan stops at step D1
This definitely means that a damaged or weak head is the cause of this problem
For example, when examining the log modules, it was found that module E1 was filled with many Hex inputs
This means that head 1 is weak or damaged and must be cut off, or that there is an entire damaged zone that must be cut off